Half + Half Review

Do you like puzzle games? Do you like flingy, jumpy (is that a word?) platformers? If so, this game is for you! Half + Half follows the adventure of two unfortunate creatures trying to make their way across the valley… literally. The cute little guys face many obstacles and perilous situations as they try to traverse the valley.

The premise of this game is not unique, but it doesn’t need to be. The point is: can Half + Half make an experience that feels new and refreshing while sticking to a tried and true formula?

I’m happy to report: yes! And quite well at that. One of the most apparent features of this game is the pixelated art style. It is clear that this game was inspired by games of old – even with its 8-bit style, it’s hard to miss the similarities to classics like Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers. I enjoyed the detail in this game immensely, especially considering how aesthetically pleasing it was with the combination between palate and movement. The movement of the characters added to this game’s charm by giving it an arcade feel, which I find appealing.

This is what makes Half + Half so inviting: the arcade 2D platformer done extremely well in VR. The mechanics are simple, but that doesn’t make them bad. In fact – it could be that they were designed that way on purpose to allow the player to focus more intently on their surroundings, rather than worrying about clunky controls.

However, I feel as though there could have been a few tweaks made to make this game even better. For one thing: using teleportation as your main mode of locomotion is interesting, but it may leave some players wishing for something different – especially since there are other locomotion tools available in the Oculus Quest store. The ironic part is that Half + Half actually features these types of tools, but they aren’t really advertised by default on the main menu. I want to make it clear that this doesn’t make teleportation bad, it’s just not for everyone.

Another thing that I feel Half + Half could have done better was with the camera angles. While they are decent for the majority of the game, there were a few times that I felt as though I had to move my head out of place to see what was going on – which led to me taking damage. Something that would help with this issue is if the camera took a wider angle when the player is close to walls or obstacles – this would make it much easier to see where you were going. Something that I feel could be worked on for post-launch is the creation of additional content, or perhaps a level editor. Half + Half was really fun to play through, but it would be nice if there was more to see and do.

I had a ton of fun playing this game because it reminded me so much of my childhood days

playing platformers. It has simple mechanics that are easy to understand, while still presenting new challenges for the player. The colourful art style adds to its charm and helps you get immersed in this game world.

While it may not be breathtakingly innovative, Half + Half is fun and it hits all of the right notes when it comes to what makes an arcade game great.

If you are looking for a fun platformer to play on your Oculus Quest – look no further!

I give Half + Half 4 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for reading, if you have any feedback or suggestions let me know in the comments! And please share this article.

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